Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sponsorships needed!

People Helping is in need of sponsorships for the 2007 show series. Local (or regional) businesses pay $100 for a sponsorship of a class for each show and, in turn, they receive:
*Acknowledgement on our website for all of 2007 with a link to their website if they have one
* Acknowledgement on our sponsor board at all shows (Feb - Sept)
* Mention of their sponsorship during and at the end of their class
* They can provide Gift Certificates or other prizes for the winners of their class at their discretion
* They can provide us with Cards/Brochures and we'll display them at the Sponsor Table at the shows
* Sponsorship is Tax-Deductible to PHH

If you know of any businesses or potential sponsors in your area, please feel free to ask them to help support People Helping Horses this coming year. Please see Gretchen for more details. A little help makes a big difference in the life of a needy horse... thanks!


At 11:15 AM, Blogger adorieble said...

We were excited to find this picture of SUGAR on the blog! She is the rescue horse that Gretchen perfectly matched (Dec 05) with our daughter Briley who had just turned 8. She has been riding Sugar in 4h and they placed Reserve Grand Champion in the novice trail at our county fair last year. They love riding bareback and campouts together for trail rides at Harry O. I'm doubt many people get the perfect horse for their first horse like Briley did! This has been the best thing for Briley, it has increased her confidence and she is much more outgoing and capable than ever! Thank you to Gretchen and everyone at People Helping Horses!!


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