Sometimes kindness comes in unexpected forms... and I am always pleasantly surprised by the human ability to reach out in simple yet profound ways to others in need. On a whim, I recently posted an ad on Craigslist requesting new or gently used blankets for the horse rescue. I anticipated the only responses to be those looking to sell blankets and figured I could afford one or two for the rescue. To my overwhelmed delight, I received 2 responses - and both women were willing to selflessly donate the blankets (4 altogether) free of charge. One of the donors hauled in the two new blankets all the way from the peninsula and met me in Seattle.
I wasn't the only one pleased with the donation - when I got to the barn today, Tuff's ratty blanket, missing the 2 back straps, was falling off him and dragging under his feet. I figured the donations would be too small to drape over his large and imposing frame. But he and I were both delighted to see the new blanket fit snugly and - more importantly - look magnificent on him. I know he could tell too...his stride became haughtier and he happily sniffed short little breaths all over the blanket, all as he proudly pranced past the other horses in the barn.
So from me, but especially from Tuff and the other rescues - thank you for opening your hearts.
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